Trying to be Decent.

  • Trying to be Decent No. 1: An Intro

    IT’S THE VERY FIRST ONE! -Welcome to the Trying to be Decent Newsletter! Thanks for being here! Some of you are friends. Some of you are family. Most of you are my biggest supporters in the guitar world. That’s probably how a lot of you know about me, anyway. However you got here, thanks for giving…

  • Remember to Rest

    After writing about lessons learned from the (bike) saddle, I felt it’d be a good idea to expand a little on the idea of rest. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have exposed me to a lot of unhealthy (in my opinion) viewpoints. I’m gonna push back on the hustle culture a bit in this one. Having engaged…

  • Truths From the Saddle

    Stuff I’ve learned from the (bike) saddle: Eight years ago, I was a smoker. I had been for almost a decade. It was a huge part of my life: my self-image, my routine, the way I made friends. I’d tried to quit many times. It just never stuck. Scrolling Instagram in my Portland apartment one…

  • Life in the Gray Area: Engaging With Nuance

    Life in the gray area: Engaging with nuance In my pursuit of being a decent thinker, I’ve found a funny pattern: I always assume my ideas are correct from the get-go. I mean, come on, I’m super smart. My own brain, which also tells me I’m an idiot, told me so. My brain would never…

  • Don’t do it alone, even though you have to.

    What follows is an article about doing ANYTHING. I’ll use business as an example often, but this can apply to anything that matters to you. What I have to say is often opinion stated as fact. And that’s a fact. But in my opinion, that’s not enough to write it all off. It doesn’t mean…

What’s on your mind?