Trying to be Decent

  • Remember to Rest
    After writing about lessons learned from the (bike) saddle, I felt it’d be a good idea to expand a little on the idea of rest. Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have exposed me to a lot of unhealthy (in my opinion) viewpoints. I’m gonna push back on the hustle culture a bit in this one. Having engaged… Read more: Remember to Rest
  • Truths From the Saddle
    Stuff I’ve learned from the (bike) saddle: Eight years ago, I was a smoker. I had been for almost a decade. It was a huge part of my life: my self-image, my routine, the way I made friends. I’d tried to quit many times. It just never stuck. Scrolling Instagram in my Portland apartment one… Read more: Truths From the Saddle
  • Life in the Gray Area: Engaging With Nuance
    Life in the gray area: Engaging with nuance In my pursuit of being a decent thinker, I’ve found a funny pattern: I always assume my ideas are correct from the get-go. I mean, come on, I’m super smart. My own brain, which also tells me I’m an idiot, told me so. My brain would never… Read more: Life in the Gray Area: Engaging With Nuance